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Strengthening the link between Labour and our forces communities

Labour Friends of the Forces is a forum for discussion, development and ideas sharing

Labour stands four-square behind our Armed Forces, their families and our veterans. This notion is at the core of everything Labour Friends of the Forces stands for. Founded in 2011 and forged by a will to create a forum for our serving and ex-serving personnel along with those close to them, this organisation is deeply rooted in the needs of our service communities.

The safety of the nation depends on the relentless efforts undertaken by our troop’s day in day out, and on the sacrifices made by their families. They deliver for the nation. It is the duty of political parties to put structures in place that deliver for them.

When looking at the values instilled in our armed forces, it is easy to see how this chimes with the foundations of Labour. Courage, integrity, loyalty, discipline and service. These common values are among those British people admire most. Labour Friends of the Forces seeks to promote these shared ideals and ensure they stay firmly rooted in our party.

Labour’s history is heavily entwined with that of our armed forces. From Bevin leading the charge for the formation of NATO to grandees such as Benn, Jenkins and Healey carrying out military service, the armed forces are a proud part of Labour’s heritage.

Our vision is a Labour party that continues to recognise the intrinsic value of forces personnel and their families as well as fosters an atmosphere that paves the way for personnel to participate in politics.

Strengthening the link between Labour and our serving communities, Labour Friends of the Forces is a forum for discussion, development and ideas sharing.

Family Hug

Our vision

Our vision is a Labour party that continues to recognise the intrinsic value of forces personnel and their families as well as fosters an atmosphere that paves the way for personnel to participate in politics.

Strengthening the link between Labour and our serving communities, Labour Friends of the Forces is a forum for discussion, development and ideas sharing.

Strong and moving maiden speech from @CalvinBailey
A timely one for a former RAF officer to contribute to a debate so relevant to our Armed Forces

Very good to catch up with @LukePollard, Armed Forces Minister.

Luke has visited us in the Filton & Bradley Stoke constituency before.

The Labour Government’s new root and branch defence review, launched by the PM, will make Britain secure at home and strong abroad for decades.

Delighted to see the Armed Forces Commissioner Bill in the King’s Speech. The Commissioner will be a powerful, independent advocate for service personnel and their families, and strengthen Parliamentary oversight.

Good to speak with our outstanding personnel at Permanent Joint HQ & NATO’s Maritime Command.

The Strategic Defence Review - launched today - will have a ‘NATO first’ approach & place people at the heart of defence plans.

We will make Britain secure at home & strong abroad.

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